This movie shows the values that WUFI is finding for temperature, humidity, and moisture content as it applies the environmental conditions from the outside weather to a wall that is conditioned for comfort on the inside. WUFI is balancing the drives for heat and humidity hour by hour. The clock face at the upper right changes to a darker color for night time and lighter color for daytime. Rain and intensity of rain is shown on the lower left by the logrithmicly scaled blue bar where clouds apear above it when it rains. Total solar radiation on this eastern exposure is indicated by a yellow sun on the upper left side, it is significantly higher in the morning hours when the sun provides direct solar radiation in addition to the sky radiation. The direction and size of the pink arrow shaped bars at the top of the upper graph show the direction and magnitude of heat flow between material interfaces. The direction and size of the blue arrows at the top of the bottom graph show the direction and magnitude of vapor drive at material interfaces.